Interface CreateStoryParams

Request parameters for creating a story.

interface CreateStoryParams {
    archived?: boolean;
    comments?: CreateStoryCommentParams[];
    completed_at_override?: string;
    created_at?: string;
    custom_fields?: CustomFieldValueParams[];
    deadline?: string;
    description?: string;
    epic_id?: number;
    estimate?: number;
    external_id?: string;
    external_links?: string[];
    file_ids?: number[];
    follower_ids?: string[];
    group_id?: string;
    iteration_id?: number;
    labels?: CreateLabelParams[];
    linked_file_ids?: number[];
    move_to?: "last" | "first";
    name: string;
    owner_ids?: string[];
    project_id?: number;
    requested_by_id?: string;
    source_task_id?: number;
    started_at_override?: string;
    story_links?: CreateStoryLinkParams[];
    story_template_id?: string;
    story_type?: "feature" | "chore" | "bug";
    tasks?: CreateTaskParams[];
    updated_at?: string;
    workflow_state_id?: number;


archived?: boolean

Controls the story's archived state.

An array of comments to add to the story.

completed_at_override?: string

A manual override for the time/date the Story was completed.


created_at?: string

The time/date the Story was created.


custom_fields?: CustomFieldValueParams[]

A map specifying a CustomField ID and CustomFieldEnumValue ID that represents an assertion of some value for a CustomField.

deadline?: string

The due date of the story.


description?: string

The description of the story.


epic_id?: number

The ID of the epic the story belongs to.


estimate?: number

The numeric point estimate of the story. Can also be null, which means unestimated.


external_id?: string

This field can be set to another unique ID. In the case that the Story has been imported from another tool, the ID in the other tool can be indicated here.

external_links?: string[]

An array of External Links associated with this story.

file_ids?: number[]

An array of IDs of files attached to the story.


follower_ids?: string[]

An array of UUIDs of the followers of this story.


group_id?: string

The id of the group to associate with this story.


iteration_id?: number

The ID of the iteration the story belongs to.


An array of labels attached to the story.

linked_file_ids?: number[]

An array of IDs of linked files attached to the story.


move_to?: "last" | "first"

One of "first" or "last". This can be used to move the given story to the first or last position in the workflow state.

name: string

The name of the story.



owner_ids?: string[]

An array of UUIDs of the owners of this story.


project_id?: number

The ID of the project the story belongs to.


requested_by_id?: string

The ID of the member that requested the story.


source_task_id?: number

Given this story was converted from a task in another story, this is the original task ID that was converted to this story.


started_at_override?: string

A manual override for the time/date the Story was started.


story_links?: CreateStoryLinkParams[]

An array of story links attached to the story.

story_template_id?: string

The id of the story template used to create this story, if applicable. This is just an association; no content from the story template is inherited by the story simply by setting this field.


story_type?: "feature" | "chore" | "bug"

The type of story (feature, bug, chore).

An array of tasks connected to the story.

updated_at?: string

The time/date the Story was updated.


workflow_state_id?: number

The ID of the workflow state the story will be in.
