The total number of Epics with this Label.
The number of completed Epics associated with this Label.
The number of in progress epics associated with this label.
The total number of Epics associated with this Label.
The number of unstarted epics associated with this label.
The total number of backlog points with this Label.
The total number of completed points with this Label.
The total number of in-progress points with this Label.
The total number of points with this Label.
The total number of unstarted points with this Label.
The total number of Documents associated this Label.
The total number of stories backlog Stories with this Label.
The total number of completed Stories with this Label.
The total number of in-progress Stories with this Label.
The total number of Stories with this Label.
The total number of Stories with no point estimate with this Label.
The total number of stories unstarted Stories with this Label.
A group of calculated values for this Label. This is not included if the slim? flag is set to true for the List Labels endpoint.