The ID of the branch for the particular pull request.
The name of the branch for the particular pull request.
build_The status of the Continuous Integration workflow for the pull request.
True/False boolean indicating whether the VCS pull request has been closed.
The time/date the pull request was created.
True/False boolean indicating whether the VCS pull request is in the draft state.
A string description of this resource.
Boolean indicating that the Pull Request has Stories that have Pull Requests that change at least one of the same lines this Pull Request changes.
The unique ID associated with the pull request in Shortcut.
True/False boolean indicating whether the VCS pull request has been merged.
Number of lines added in the pull request, according to VCS.
num_The number of commits on the pull request.
num_Number of lines modified in the pull request, according to VCS.
Number of lines removed in the pull request, according to VCS.
The pull request's unique number ID in VCS.
overlapping_An array of Story ids that have Pull Requests that change at least one of the same lines this Pull Request changes.
The ID of the repository for the particular pull request.
review_The status of the review for the pull request.
The ID of the target branch for the particular pull request.
The name of the target branch for the particular pull request.
The title of the pull request.
The time/date the pull request was created.
The URL for the pull request.
vcs_An array of PullRequestLabels attached to the PullRequest.
Corresponds to a VCS Pull Request attached to a Shortcut story.