Interface StorySlim

StorySlim represents the same resource as a Story, but is more light-weight. For certain fields it provides ids rather than full resources (e.g., comment_ids and file_ids) and it also excludes certain aggregate values (e.g., cycle_time). The description field can be optionally included. Use the Get Story endpoint to fetch the unabridged payload for a Story.

interface StorySlim {
    app_url: string;
    archived: boolean;
    blocked: boolean;
    blocker: boolean;
    comment_ids: number[];
    completed: boolean;
    completed_at?: string;
    completed_at_override?: string;
    created_at: string;
    custom_fields?: StoryCustomField[];
    cycle_time?: number;
    deadline?: string;
    description?: string;
    entity_type: string;
    epic_id?: number;
    estimate?: number;
    external_id?: string;
    external_links: string[];
    file_ids: number[];
    follower_ids: string[];
    global_id: string;
    group_id?: string;
    group_mention_ids: string[];
    id: number;
    iteration_id?: number;
    label_ids: number[];
    labels: LabelSlim[];
    lead_time?: number;
    linked_file_ids: number[];
    member_mention_ids: string[];
    mention_ids: string[];
    moved_at?: string;
    name: string;
    num_tasks_completed: number;
    owner_ids: string[];
    position: number;
    previous_iteration_ids: number[];
    project_id?: number;
    requested_by_id: string;
    started: boolean;
    started_at?: string;
    started_at_override?: string;
    stats: StoryStats;
    story_links: TypedStoryLink[];
    story_template_id?: string;
    story_type: string;
    synced_item?: SyncedItem;
    task_ids: number[];
    unresolved_blocker_comments?: number[];
    updated_at?: string;
    workflow_id: number;
    workflow_state_id: number;


app_url: string

The Shortcut application url for the Story.

archived: boolean

True if the story has been archived or not.

blocked: boolean

A true/false boolean indicating if the Story is currently blocked.

blocker: boolean

A true/false boolean indicating if the Story is currently a blocker of another story.

comment_ids: number[]

An array of IDs of Comments attached to the story.

completed: boolean

A true/false boolean indicating if the Story has been completed.

completed_at?: string

The time/date the Story was completed.


completed_at_override?: string

A manual override for the time/date the Story was completed.


created_at: string

The time/date the Story was created.


custom_fields?: StoryCustomField[]

An array of CustomField value assertions for the story.

cycle_time?: number

The cycle time (in seconds) of this story when complete.


deadline?: string

The due date of the story.


description?: string

The description of the Story.

entity_type: string

A string description of this resource.

epic_id?: number

The ID of the epic the story belongs to.


estimate?: number

The numeric point estimate of the story. Can also be null, which means unestimated.


external_id?: string

This field can be set to another unique ID. In the case that the Story has been imported from another tool, the ID in the other tool can be indicated here.

external_links: string[]

An array of external links (strings) associated with a Story

file_ids: number[]

An array of IDs of Files attached to the story.

follower_ids: string[]

An array of UUIDs for any Members listed as Followers.

global_id: string
group_id?: string

The ID of the group associated with the story.


group_mention_ids: string[]

An array of Group IDs that have been mentioned in the Story description.

id: number

The unique ID of the Story.


iteration_id?: number

The ID of the iteration the story belongs to.


label_ids: number[]

An array of label ids attached to the story.

labels: LabelSlim[]

An array of labels attached to the story.

lead_time?: number

The lead time (in seconds) of this story when complete.


linked_file_ids: number[]

An array of IDs of LinkedFiles attached to the story.

member_mention_ids: string[]

An array of Member IDs that have been mentioned in the Story description.

mention_ids: string[]

Deprecated: use member_mention_ids.

moved_at?: string

The time/date the Story was last changed workflow-state.


name: string

The name of the story.

num_tasks_completed: number

The number of tasks on the story which are complete.


owner_ids: string[]

An array of UUIDs of the owners of this story.

position: number

A number representing the position of the story in relation to every other story in the current project.


previous_iteration_ids: number[]

The IDs of the iteration the story belongs to.

project_id?: number

The ID of the project the story belongs to.


requested_by_id: string

The ID of the Member that requested the story.


started: boolean

A true/false boolean indicating if the Story has been started.

started_at?: string

The time/date the Story was started.


started_at_override?: string

A manual override for the time/date the Story was started.


stats: StoryStats

The stats object for Stories

story_links: TypedStoryLink[]

An array of story links attached to the Story.

story_template_id?: string

The ID of the story template used to create this story, or null if not created using a template.


story_type: string

The type of story (feature, bug, chore).

synced_item?: SyncedItem

The synced item for the story.

task_ids: number[]

An array of IDs of Tasks attached to the story.

unresolved_blocker_comments?: number[]

The IDs of any unresolved blocker comments on the Story.

updated_at?: string

The time/date the Story was updated.


workflow_id: number

The ID of the workflow the story belongs to.


workflow_state_id: number

The ID of the workflow state the story is currently in.
