Interface Task

A Task on a Story.

interface Task {
    complete: boolean;
    completed_at?: string;
    created_at: string;
    description: string;
    entity_type: string;
    external_id?: string;
    group_mention_ids: string[];
    id: number;
    member_mention_ids: string[];
    mention_ids: string[];
    owner_ids: string[];
    position: number;
    story_id: number;
    updated_at?: string;


complete: boolean

True/false boolean indicating whether the Task has been completed.

completed_at?: string

The time/date the Task was completed.


created_at: string

The time/date the Task was created.


description: string

Full text of the Task.

entity_type: string

A string description of this resource.

external_id?: string

This field can be set to another unique ID. In the case that the Task has been imported from another tool, the ID in the other tool can be indicated here.

group_mention_ids: string[]

An array of UUIDs of Groups mentioned in this Task.

id: number

The unique ID of the Task.


member_mention_ids: string[]

An array of UUIDs of Members mentioned in this Task.

mention_ids: string[]

Deprecated: use member_mention_ids.

owner_ids: string[]

An array of UUIDs of the Owners of this Task.

position: number

The number corresponding to the Task's position within a list of Tasks on a Story.


story_id: number

The unique identifier of the parent Story.


updated_at?: string

The time/date the Task was updated.
