Interface UploadedFile

An UploadedFile is any document uploaded to your Shortcut Workspace. Files attached from a third-party service are different: see the Linked Files endpoint.

interface UploadedFile {
    content_type: string;
    created_at: string;
    description?: string;
    entity_type: string;
    external_id?: string;
    filename: string;
    group_mention_ids: string[];
    id: number;
    member_mention_ids: string[];
    mention_ids: string[];
    name: string;
    size: number;
    story_ids: number[];
    thumbnail_url?: string;
    updated_at?: string;
    uploader_id: string;
    url?: string;


content_type: string

Free form string corresponding to a text or image file.

created_at: string

The time/date that the file was created.


description?: string

The description of the file.

entity_type: string

A string description of this resource.

external_id?: string

This field can be set to another unique ID. In the case that the File has been imported from another tool, the ID in the other tool can be indicated here.

filename: string

The name assigned to the file in Shortcut upon upload.

group_mention_ids: string[]

The unique IDs of the Groups who are mentioned in the file description.

id: number

The unique ID for the file.


member_mention_ids: string[]

The unique IDs of the Members who are mentioned in the file description.

mention_ids: string[]

Deprecated: use member_mention_ids.

name: string

The optional User-specified name of the file.

size: number

The size of the file.


story_ids: number[]

The unique IDs of the Stories associated with this file.

thumbnail_url?: string

The url where the thumbnail of the file can be found in Shortcut.

updated_at?: string

The time/date that the file was updated.


uploader_id: string

The unique ID of the Member who uploaded the file.


url?: string

The URL for the file.