Interface StoryContents

A container entity for the attributes this template should populate.

interface StoryContents {
    custom_fields?: CustomFieldValueParams[];
    deadline?: string;
    description?: string;
    entity_type?: string;
    epic_id?: number;
    estimate?: number;
    external_links?: string[];
    files?: UploadedFile[];
    follower_ids?: string[];
    group_id?: string;
    iteration_id?: number;
    label_ids?: number[];
    labels?: LabelSlim[];
    linked_files?: LinkedFile[];
    name?: string;
    owner_ids?: string[];
    project_id?: number;
    story_type?: string;
    tasks?: StoryContentsTask[];
    workflow_state_id?: number;


custom_fields?: CustomFieldValueParams[]

An array of maps specifying a CustomField ID and CustomFieldEnumValue ID that represents an assertion of some value for a CustomField.

deadline?: string

The due date of the story.


description?: string

The description of the story.

entity_type?: string

A string description of this resource.

epic_id?: number

The ID of the epic the story belongs to.


estimate?: number

The numeric point estimate of the story. Can also be null, which means unestimated.


external_links?: string[]

An array of external links connected to the story.

files?: UploadedFile[]

An array of files attached to the story.

follower_ids?: string[]

An array of UUIDs for any Members listed as Followers.

group_id?: string

The ID of the group to which the story is assigned.


iteration_id?: number

The ID of the iteration the story belongs to.


label_ids?: number[]

An array of label ids attached to the story.

labels?: LabelSlim[]

An array of labels attached to the story.

linked_files?: LinkedFile[]

An array of linked files attached to the story.

name?: string

The name of the story.

owner_ids?: string[]

An array of UUIDs of the owners of this story.

project_id?: number

The ID of the project the story belongs to.


story_type?: string

The type of story (feature, bug, chore).

An array of tasks connected to the story.

workflow_state_id?: number

The ID of the workflow state the story is currently in.
