createNo description
No description
Create Multiple Stories allows you to create multiple stories in a single request using the same syntax as Create Story.
Story Links (called Story Relationships in the UI) allow you create semantic relationships between two stories. The parameters read like an active voice grammatical sentence: subject -> verb -> object. The subject story acts on the object Story; the object story is the direct object of the sentence. The subject story "blocks", "duplicates", or "relates to" the object story. Examples: - "story 5 blocks story 6” -- story 6 is now "blocked" until story 5 is moved to a Done workflow state. - "story 2 duplicates story 1” -- Story 2 represents the same body of work as Story 1 (and should probably be archived). - "story 7 relates to story 3”
No description
The external link associated with one or more stories.
No description
query: { "org-public-id"?: string }Optional
org-public-id?: stringThe unique ID of the Organization to limit the lookup to.
No description
query: { includes_description?: boolean }Optional
includes_description?: booleanA true/false boolean indicating whether to return Epics with their descriptions.
query: { includes_description?: boolean }Optional
includes_description?: booleanA true/false boolean indicating whether to return Stories with their descriptions.
query: { limit?: number; offset?: number }Optional
limit?: numberThe maximum number of results to return. (Defaults to 1000, max 1000)
offset?: numberThe offset at which to begin returning results. (Defaults to 0)
No description
query: { includes_description?: boolean }Optional
includes_description?: booleanA true/false boolean indicating whether to return Stories with their descriptions.
query: { slim?: boolean }Optional
slim?: booleanA true/false boolean indicating if the slim versions of the Label should be returned.
query: { includes_description?: boolean }Optional
includes_description?: booleanA true/false boolean indicating whether to return Stories with their descriptions.
query: { "org-public-id"?: string }Optional
org-public-id?: stringThe unique ID of the Organization to limit the list to.
query: { includes_description?: boolean }Optional
includes_description?: booleanA true/false boolean indicating whether to return Stories with their descriptions.
params2: AxiosRequestConfigOptional
detail?: "full" | "slim"The amount of detail included in each result item. "full" will include all descriptions and comments and more fields on related items such as pull requests, branches and tasks. "slim" omits larger fulltext fields such as descriptions and comments and only references related items by id. The default is "full".
entity_types?: ("story" | "milestone" | "epic" | "iteration" | "objective")[]A collection of entity_types to search. Defaults to story and epic. Supports: epic, iteration, objective, story.
next?: stringThe next page token.
page_size?: numberThe number of search results to include in a page. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 25.
See our help center article on search operators
Search lets you search Epics and Stories based on desired parameters. Since ordering of the results can change over time (due to search ranking decay, new Epics and Stories being created), the next
value from the previous response can be used as the path and query string for the next page to ensure stable ordering.
detail?: "full" | "slim"The amount of detail included in each result item. "full" will include all descriptions and comments and more fields on related items such as pull requests, branches and tasks. "slim" omits larger fulltext fields such as descriptions and comments and only references related items by id. The default is "full".
entity_types?: ("story" | "milestone" | "epic" | "iteration" | "objective")[]A collection of entity_types to search. Defaults to story and epic. Supports: epic, iteration, objective, story.
next?: stringThe next page token.
page_size?: numberThe number of search results to include in a page. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 25.
See our help center article on search operators
Search Epics lets you search Epics based on desired parameters. Since ordering of stories can change over time (due to search ranking decay, new Epics being created), the next
value from the previous response can be used as the path and query string for the next page to ensure stable ordering.
detail?: "full" | "slim"The amount of detail included in each result item. "full" will include all descriptions and comments and more fields on related items such as pull requests, branches and tasks. "slim" omits larger fulltext fields such as descriptions and comments and only references related items by id. The default is "full".
entity_types?: ("story" | "milestone" | "epic" | "iteration" | "objective")[]A collection of entity_types to search. Defaults to story and epic. Supports: epic, iteration, objective, story.
next?: stringThe next page token.
page_size?: numberThe number of search results to include in a page. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 25.
See our help center article on search operators
Search Iterations lets you search Iterations based on desired parameters. Since ordering of results can change over time (due to search ranking decay, new Iterations being created), the next
value from the previous response can be used as the path and query string for the next page to ensure stable ordering.
detail?: "full" | "slim"The amount of detail included in each result item. "full" will include all descriptions and comments and more fields on related items such as pull requests, branches and tasks. "slim" omits larger fulltext fields such as descriptions and comments and only references related items by id. The default is "full".
entity_types?: ("story" | "milestone" | "epic" | "iteration" | "objective")[]A collection of entity_types to search. Defaults to story and epic. Supports: epic, iteration, objective, story.
next?: stringThe next page token.
page_size?: numberThe number of search results to include in a page. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 25.
See our help center article on search operators
Search Milestones lets you search Milestones based on desired parameters. Since ordering of results can change over time (due to search ranking decay, new Milestones being created), the next
value from the previous response can be used as the path and query string for the next page to ensure stable ordering.
detail?: "full" | "slim"The amount of detail included in each result item. "full" will include all descriptions and comments and more fields on related items such as pull requests, branches and tasks. "slim" omits larger fulltext fields such as descriptions and comments and only references related items by id. The default is "full".
entity_types?: ("story" | "milestone" | "epic" | "iteration" | "objective")[]A collection of entity_types to search. Defaults to story and epic. Supports: epic, iteration, objective, story.
next?: stringThe next page token.
page_size?: numberThe number of search results to include in a page. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 25.
See our help center article on search operators
Search Objectives lets you search Objectives based on desired parameters. Since ordering of results can change over time (due to search ranking decay, new Objectives being created), the next
value from the previous response can be used as the path and query string for the next page to ensure stable ordering.
detail?: "full" | "slim"The amount of detail included in each result item. "full" will include all descriptions and comments and more fields on related items such as pull requests, branches and tasks. "slim" omits larger fulltext fields such as descriptions and comments and only references related items by id. The default is "full".
entity_types?: ("story" | "milestone" | "epic" | "iteration" | "objective")[]A collection of entity_types to search. Defaults to story and epic. Supports: epic, iteration, objective, story.
next?: stringThe next page token.
page_size?: numberThe number of search results to include in a page. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 25.
See our help center article on search operators
Search Stories lets you search Stories based on desired parameters. Since ordering of stories can change over time (due to search ranking decay, new stories being created), the next
value from the previous response can be used as the path and query string for the next page to ensure stable ordering.
stringifyUpdate Custom Field can be used to update the definition of a Custom Field. The order of items in the 'values' collection is interpreted to be their ascending sort order.To delete an existing enum value, simply omit it from the 'values' collection. New enum values may be created inline by including an object in the 'values' collection having a 'value' entry with no 'id' (eg. {'value': 'myNewValue', 'color_key': 'green'}).
No description
No description
A file upload. At least one is required.
file1?: FileOptional additional files.
file2?: FileOptional additional files.
file3?: FileOptional additional files.
story_id?: numberThe story ID that these files will be associated with.
Create Category allows you to create a new Category in Shortcut.